
Sandro Pereira on Bouvet BizTalk Innovation Event

October 5, 2012

Last week, Sandro Pereira, held a presentation at the Bouvet BizTalk Innovation Event (26 – 27 September) – the best BizTalk event organized in Norway this year.

The first day was filled with presentations by 6 speakers (Four BizTalk MVP’s together with two distinguished community members). He presented a session focused on the new integration features in Windows Azure Service Bus (BizTalk as PaaS).

The second day was an hands on labs, each speaker had his own room and hourly time slots, where the attendees could come in and had the opportunity to meet, discuss their issues, ask questions or share their experience with the guest speakers.

We are very proud our colleague Sandro Pereira is part of the team behind de BizTalk Innovation Event Series – it is the third event in Europe – and we look forward to share all this experiences in futures events, and with ours customers and partners.

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