It is our conviction that we have among our team exceptional professionals, and now Microsoft just confirmed that once again awarding Sandro Pereira again as a BizTalk MVP.
“The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Sandro’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you. With fewer than 5,000 awardees worldwide, Microsoft MVPs represent a highly select group of experts […] As a recipient of this year’s Microsoft MVP award, Sandro joins an exceptional group of individuals from around the world who have demonstrated a willingness to reach out, share their technical expertise with others and help individuals maximize their use of technology.Rich Kaplan, Corporate Vice President, Customer and Partner Advocacy, Microsoft Corporation”
In addition to writing regularly in his blog, these past year Sandro Pereira also began to write articles and make public presentations for Portuguese and Brazilian community, here are some of his Statistics:
- Blogs
- Sandro Pereira BizTalk Blog: In 2011, there were 57 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 165 posts. That’s about 1 post per week. The busiest day of the year was October 19th with 736 views. The most popular post that day was BizTalk 2010 Installation and Configuration – Installing and Configuring BizTalk Server (Part 8).
- BizTalk Brasil: He was invited to join the team of this community and so begin to write in Portuguese about the product.
- eMagazine
- Two articles for PROGRAMAR: Princípios Básicos dos Mapas and Microsoft BizTalk Server aos olhos dos programadores.
And many, many contributions to MSDN Forums: