DevScope Launches eXtended CRM for ERP PRIMAVERA

November 18, 2009xRM DevScope is a solution based on Microsoft technology that enables complete management of relationships with all types of entities (customers, suppliers and other business partners), providing the tools and resources, in order to centralize the whole cycle of relationships.
The xRM DevScope is a quick, flexible and customizable solution, supported by an open and extensible platform, integrated in a fully transparent with ERP PRIMAVERA, and easily integrated with any other system. Using the modules of Sales, Marketing and Services, DevScope enhanced the functional range of the solution, allowing each user of the solution to obtain a unique and specific to all its areas of operation, thus making the xRM as a complementary platform to ERP PRIMAVERA. DevScope has developed various modules and functionality to the platform xRM, in particular the Project Management module, Financial Workflow, mapping business management and reproducing processes, in a simple, transparent and versatile way.
More than a platform for relationship management, the xRM is assumed as a natural extension to ERP PRIMAVERA, which favors the streamlining and optimizing processes and business rules, strengthening relationships with customers and partners in order to achieve business high performance.
A recorded webcast is available here (Portuguese)
DevScope @ TSF Made in Portugal
The “TSF Made in Portugal” program presents innovative, creative and technological companies of our country. The edition of November, 18, focused on De[...]